

Companies Available

We have several companies in Canada and US in the following sectors that are looking for distributors or agents in GCC.

If you are a Canadian or US company and looking for distributors in GCC, please contact us. We don't charge any fees unless you are satisfied with your distributor.

If you are in GCC and are looking to represent Canadian and US companies, please contact us to receive more information. Here is a list of companies currently available for GCC.

* Medical & Healthcare: Cardiology, Rehabilitation, Research, Medical Imaging, Hematology, General Medicine, Laboratory Sciences, Emergency Response and generic pharmaceutical

* Health & Beauty: Natural supplements, Skincare & Cosmetics, Specialty supplements, Beauty equipment, sport equipment.

* Retail: Fashion, Furniture, accessories and specialty items.

* Industrial: Meteorology & Environmental Science, Construction, Power generators and heaters, textile (specialty and fashion), Water and Sewage solutions.

* Agriculture & Food: Various grocery items, animal food, specialty equipment for food industry

* Other: Franchise opportunities and many other business opportunies